Course, this move has gone fairly easily. There have been a few missteps, like me trying to mow the lawn last night and unable to get the damn mower to start. Finally, after several calls, an hour later and a margarita down, I was able to track someone who could tell me that I had to prime the damn thing. So this morning, my fat ass was outside priming the mower so I could mow the lawn. Wow, has it been a long time since I did anything like that. I had to take another shower just to cool off. But I did it.
Of course, the kids have been slightly difficult during this transition. They still don't completely recognize my footsteps in the house and will cringe, but all in all they are doing ok. Except Dev. He hasn't really been eating again. After a rough night, I called the vet to tell them I'd made the decision to put him down. I made an appointment for the next day and was all set to go. I was saying my goodbye's when he decided to start playing and eating just a ton of food, drinking all kinds of water, etc. I cancelled the appointment today. I gave him the iv and we will see how it turns out. It is a good thing I don't do drugs though. I have a ton of needles in the house for his iv. Sharp little things too.

I'll include a picture of the living room. I'm pretty sure the red couch doesn't go with the purple on the walls, but I'm going to live with it for now.
The only thing I can't stand about the house, right now, is the tiny bathroom. You really can't turn around in there. Makes things interesting.