
Monday, July 31, 2006

The Big Move

So I've made the transition. I left all this stuff at the other place too. The vacumm, a bottle of bourbon (I really can't stand the taste), miscellaneous trash, a dead plant on the balcony. I can't really tell you that I care, cause I don't. I paid my $900 to get out of the lease, a bargain cause I thought I was going to have to shell out $1200 and left. I don't have to go back there for a very long time, or ever, depending on how life falls out.

Course, this move has gone fairly easily. There have been a few missteps, like me trying to mow the lawn last night and unable to get the damn mower to start. Finally, after several calls, an hour later and a margarita down, I was able to track someone who could tell me that I had to prime the damn thing. So this morning, my fat ass was outside priming the mower so I could mow the lawn. Wow, has it been a long time since I did anything like that. I had to take another shower just to cool off. But I did it.

Of course, the kids have been slightly difficult during this transition. They still don't completely recognize my footsteps in the house and will cringe, but all in all they are doing ok. Except Dev. He hasn't really been eating again. After a rough night, I called the vet to tell them I'd made the decision to put him down. I made an appointment for the next day and was all set to go. I was saying my goodbye's when he decided to start playing and eating just a ton of food, drinking all kinds of water, etc. I cancelled the appointment today. I gave him the iv and we will see how it turns out. It is a good thing I don't do drugs though. I have a ton of needles in the house for his iv. Sharp little things too.

I'll include a picture of the living room. I'm pretty sure the red couch doesn't go with the purple on the walls, but I'm going to live with it for now.

The only thing I can't stand about the house, right now, is the tiny bathroom. You really can't turn around in there. Makes things interesting.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Everyday is like Sunday

Actually, that isn't true, but sounded good while I was typing.

"Every day is silent and gray" is actually closer to the truth. I took my oldest cat into the vet today to find out the reason he isn't eating is because he has kidney failure. He isn't all together that old, about 10 years, but he is dying. The vets are going to try and push some fluid in him and see if that helps, but they aren't very hopeful. I've been crying off and on all morning, in between packing for the move and throwing entire boxes of shit away. The other two have no idea what the hell is going on. They know I left with him, and he didn't come back. They are alternately looking at me as if I'm the monster under the bed and trying to kiss my ass so they get to stay at the house.
I need to get more boxes and tape, but I don't really want to go anywhere that I might see other people.
I got the money for the down deposit on the house and will have a certified check next friday. That is when I close on the house. I have to have this whole house packed up in less than 7 days.

I'm totally fucked.


Of course, I'm beyond broke too. I hate it when I'm not on top of my finances. I've been so preoccupied lately, that I had no idea what was in my checking account. So here I go to the grocery only to have the checkout guy tell me that I'm overdrawn. So I thank'd Mr. Helpful and pulled out my credit card. For groceries! I want to be done with all of this and just be broke in my new house sitting on my rickety ass couch, watching bad tv because I can't afford to buy books any longer, and playing solitare on the computer because I can't even consider going out.
Ahhh. Social desolation. What a promising concept.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Nerves of Steel

I am in way over my head. I've decided to purchase a house. I finally found the house that I wanted, but wow, there is so much to do with it. I'm getting the house inspection tomorrow and the appraisal next week. I'm going to have to buy a lawn mower, a dining room table and chairs, a matress, and finally fix the spare bed. I want a new tv, not that anything is wrong with mine, but I would love one where I didn't have to go behind the tv to plug in the dvd player. I need a couch cover, because the red couch is going to clash with the purple on the walls in the living room.
I am so excited though. I can't wait to move in although it won't be for another 3 weeks. I just have to be patient, and start my packing again. I'm just so excited about that. We'll see. I'm not sure how all this will work out yet, but keep your fingers crossed. Of course, I would also like to get surround speakers in the living room, but who knows how much that will cost me. It may have to wait.
Of course, the social life is sucking as well. I've been chatting with this guy I'll call Capt. Optimism. He is very religious, spends lots of time at the church and his chief goal is to become a better person. In fact, he has been reading several self-help books written by catholics to become this better person. We've agreed to be friends, but everytime we go out, he gives me these long looks. It is starting to drive me insane. Finally he invited me to his place for dinner the other night. I declined, but it took him a couple of days to get back in touch with me.
Oh well.
Other than that, there isn't a whole lot of anything else going on. Just major life changing moves.