
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

How Does One Relax

Still waiting to hear what is going on with my work future. There are discussions being had, but no one is talking to me. Meanwhile you'd think I would've started packing, but I'm still being a slacker. I should at least clean the apartment. I figure I'll do some of that tomorrow. My only day off.

I discovered I've been blocked by someone on fb that I really kind of thought was cool. Apparently I offended her some how. I feel bad about it, but since I don't know what I did, I can't fix it. I've pulled fb off my phone and only look at it at the end of the night. I just don't have any interest in sharing anything with people I know. Which, of course, is different from sharing with a bunch of people I don't know and who won't follow this blog on a regular basis. There is something to be said for large group anonymity.

14 days until Christmas. My family has asked what I want and I told them to donate to Intrepid Heroes Fund and Best Friends charities. I really can't come up with something for someone else to buy me. I'm not sure if that is sad or not. I just don't need anymore stuff. There is no reason for me to haul it anywhere.  Especially since I know I'll be moving soon. Probably out west. I don't know if I should pack sunscreen, snowshoes or a raincoat. Hopefully I'll find out soon.