Of course, I say this as I sit back with a margarita in hand. What a crappy week. If it weren't for the fact that I'm independently wealthy, I'd quit. The sad fact is that I have been working with the public for so long, I don't know that I even like people anymore. Black Friday sucked, and the month is going down hill from there. What is it with people around the holidays? Why on earth do they believe they are entitled to everything that isn't nailed down and then some? What on earth makes you more important than the guy standing next to you? People just get stupid around this time of year and all you can do is get yourself a watergun filled with ammonia to shoot at the really outrageous ones. The worst offenders need to be put in a timeout, perhaps a small room with more Ned Flanders than there are to count and left for a week.
Of course, the icing on the cake today is one of my employees telling a customer that I was mean to her. Of course, the customer then calls my boss to tell him I'm mean to my employees. And, your point? Here's a thought, if you hadn't fucked up, then I wouldn't have had to talk to you about it. Try not fucking up and blaming it on everyone else but yourself and we'll see how it goes. I'm not worried about what my boss has got to say, because, truthfully, if my employee feels like I'm picking on her, then I need to make sure she understands where I'm coming from, but holy hell. If someone has a problem with me, use that wily thing called a backbone and talk to me about it.
Here's what I don't understand. I stand about 5'10". I have the build of a feminine linebacker (I blame my dad who was a linebacker in college), I have a mouth to match, but my face is, what was it the last customer told me, youthful. (She said I looked 12, but youthful sounds better.) I'm not overly brash, but I will tell you exactly what I think. I enjoy laughing most of all, and can often be found chatting with employees or customers, laughing and enjoying the day. I swear, more people are intimidated by me than those who really know me. I personally don't understand. There is no reason for it. Regardless, no matter who the person is or what they look like, have the simple respect to talk to them about what you are feeling instead of whining to customers that you are being mistreated.
Ok. I think I feel better. Well, yes and no. I feel better for venting, but I'm still going to have to deal with it. And have another drink. Definately have another drink.
So, here is my stupid move for the week. There are several cops who come in my building all the time, all really nice guys. I'm standing outside this morning, poisoning myself, when a police car pulls over in front of me. I, of course, wave and walk over to say "Howdy". Yet, when I get there, the guy in front of me is no one I know and I have to scramble to start a conversation. I wasn't aware I could come off looking anymore lame than I did today. I wasn't even aware it was physically possible. I feel like an ass. I'm sure he thought I was throwing myself at him. Ohhh that was awkward. Damn I'm good.
And here is another pic of the girls, aren't they just adorable? Little hellions.....

1 comment:
A combination of ammonia and cayenne pepper works far better. Just for future reference.
Oh, I used to have an employee just like that. Always thought I was out to get him. Key words here: used to. Heh.
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