
Sunday, December 18, 2005

Holiday Romance

No, don't get any ideas. I'm not saying that I've had any of my own. I've sworn off until I get my life settled and, I have to admit, watching Sethro go through his trials and tribulations has proved to me that men don't have any more of a clue what they are looking for than women do.

No, what I'm talking about is all the romance on tv, that seems to pervade the holiday season. I've been watching old movies and new movies and Christmas themed tv shows while my brain rots out my ears and I quietly work on my latest disaster of a blanket. The worst offender is the Hallmark channel which shows movies aimed at a younger generation, old maids in their 30s (sounds familar), but has commercials for Cialis, fragile bones and Depends. I too want a boyfriend for Christmas, and believe in Santa Claus and have been looking for a holiday miracle, but I'm getting the distinct feeling that all those stories are fiction, not based on any possibility that Santa will drop into my living room on the big day with a list of people I would be compatible to hang out with and/or a behemoth of a man that has been looking for me for years to help him in his quest to find out what adventure actually is.

It isn't just in shows and movies either. What about the commercial where some idiot commandeers a snow plow, endangering the lives of others so he can hurry home to the supermodel sleeping the living room? Or the radio commercials for jewelry stores for those clueless men who are looking for something unique and beautiful to give to their special someone that is just like the ones all their buddies are giving to their wives?

Ahhh, but I sound bitter. I'm not really, honestly. The doctor says I'm continuing to show improvement. There is one commercial that has just impressed the hell out of me, though. It is the Salvation Army bell ringer. She is standing in front someone whose home has burned, in front of a homeless man and on the roof in a flood. I already give to a couple of charities, including United Way, but I never feel it is enough. I might have to call the Red Cross next year and see if they could use my wide skills in crocheting, watching tv and reading books inappropriate for children.

I recently heard Alice's Restaurant again. They used to play it everything Thanksgiving morning in St. Louis on one of the local stations, I think K-SHE, if I'm remember it correctly. What a huge trip down memory lane. The guy I dated in high school, had parents who were old hippies. I can remember going to their house for dinner and listening to Arlo Guthrie on the record player. Arlo and James Taylor. It is amazing what you take with you from previous relationships. From that one I have an affection for JT and Arlo, the liberal use of garlic and large families. A couple of relationships later I came out of it with a cat. And a sofa table. I guess you can't really escape your past, especially if you are taking it with you.


sethro said...

Great post! Accurate and poignant.

And I DO have a clue as to what I want. I want to kill Colonel Mustard in the Library with the Monkey Wrench. And then I want to drive a snow plow home to my model wife.

Unknown said...

I keep forgetting you aren't grounded in reality with the rest of us...

Actually, I wouldn't mind killing Colonel Mustard either, but I'd rather use the candlestick, especially with a candle still burning in it. Sounds more dramatic to me.

Thanks for the laugh.