
Sunday, May 29, 2005

Waiting for the Music

I'm not sure if there is anything more sad (could say pathetic, but I don't want to look bad) than just hanging out at the house, alone again, trying to figure out what to do with my time. Well, I guess that isn't true. I could have all the blinds closed, all the curtains drawn, sitting in the dark rocking back and forth. No one really wants that.
The boy decided that he was done with me a couple of days ago. Apparently he'd made that decision earlier in the week, but waited until Thursday to tell me. On the phone no less. Am I such an imposing figure that all the boys I date end our relationships on the phone? Or e-mail? I drank most of yesterday, but it didn't really numb anything. Waste of damn good rum too.
Had long talks with Bruno. Like him a lot, he has the potential to be a good friend. The only problem is that he is so damn busy, has so many other friends, I can't monopolize his time. The other kink is that he is a good friend of the boy. I want to be careful there. Don't want to rely on him, especially when he plans on road tripping to "Dunno" sometime soon. I'm seriously going to have to find more friends, but they are all out at the stores. I'm thinking there has been a mad dash lately and no one informed me. Totally sucks dude.
Meanwhile, I've been sitting here forever waiting on yahoo's music to play on a consistent basis. I hate having to wait. Patience really isn't my strong suit.
Did the switch of stuff with the boy yesterday. He's still got one of my books and I'm pretty sure I have a shirt. But the important stuff came back. My handcuffs and my Muppet Show DVD collection. You know, the essentials.
Other than that, another day is being wasted. I am almost finished with the afghan I'm making for one of my employees. She provided the materials, I'm just making the thing. I hope she likes it. If not, she can always sell it.
Wish I had something to do tomorrow. I really need to go grocery shopping. The cat has next to nothing to eat. And all I have is Diet Coke.

"Lord, here comes the flood/
We will say goodbye to flesh and blood."

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