
Sunday, June 05, 2005

Have a penis? You must be confusing....

I cannot believe the current popular belief that when a man answers that nothing is on his mind, he is usually telling the truth. Not that I've been questioning random men on the street what they are thinking, but I have dealt with enough of them as friends to know that when they sit down and stare off in space (you do have to make sure the t.v. is off) they are actually using the gray matter between their ears. Even if I can't see them, to have them sit quietly on the phone, on the other side of the computer screen or in the next room over, I know they are using their brains.
And then there is Bruno. He and I hadn't talked much over the week, just quick IMs here and there, but yesterday, up he pops with a full day of messages. Back and forth we write, figuring out what is going on in the other's life, how they are dealing with the day to day, the mundane as well as the stressful, what they are happy about, what is really ticking them off. Where I get confused, however, is his behavior. Out of the blue he asks if I had seen the latest Star Wars yet, (I haven't), but then never follows through. I try and prod with basic questions, "Have you?" He hasn't. "Why not?" Not been in the mood to see it yet. "When did you want to see it?" Not sure. Then why did you ask me about the movie? This is a whole line of questioning that apparently wasn't supposed to go anywhere, because he just drops it. Ummm, hello? What the hell?
I should have left it. If I were a smart girl I would have left it, but noooo. Not me. I cannot sit back and just let the boy chase me. If I see him floundering I will not only through him the damn rope, I will help him guide the whole damn ship back to shore. I'm living in the South now dammit! The boys are supposed to chase! I am pretty enough for the guys to chase! I'm finding my inner fabulousness, (although, honestly, I think most of it had abdicated its rightful place in my soul for a whirlwind tour of anyone but me), and I'm working on helping others to see it.
Anyway. I invited him over to watch a movie. (No there wasn't any hanky-panky and shame on you for thinking there was!) Of course that was a whole other trial. I hadn't gone out and bought a DVD player yet, and apparently the video store near me only carries DVDs now. That's what I get for shopping at Blockbuster. So I ran to my friendly Target, bought a player, as well as the movie we had wanted to watch, "Shaun of the Dead". Excellent movie, by the way. I laughed out loud while holding a pillow next to my face for the occasional zombie.
Maybe he didn't want to chill with me last night, but he's already called today just to chat as well. Am I not supposed to guess that he is attracted to me?
I really never will understand men. On a whole other side note, Kenny Wayne Shepherd is coming to town! I'm thinking I'm going to his concert on Thursday. Probably by myself. Wish me luck on the courage to do that.

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