
Saturday, November 09, 2013

Looking For The Patience Skill

I'm back in Texas. I'm not sure how I feel about it. Well, I actually know how I feel about it. I'm not happy, but I have to make do with the choices that have been made. I've been given several versions of how I did in Indiana, but there is no spot for me to just jump into. So I wait. My boss has told me that I have to do well in the position I'm in before I will be promoted. My big boss has told me that I have to take a class on having difficult conversations, and tour with another DM before I can be promoted. Who the hell knows. All I can do is continue to do the best I know how.
I am excited to be back in my messy apartment however. I need to make a batch of macaroni and cheese. With hot sauce.

I haven't heard from Shawshank in a bit. He is trying to set me up with his friend, long distance, and neither his friend is getting in touch with me, nor is he. Dumbass.

Wait. I have to amend that. I added him to a group app for friends and he has just decided to respond to a random text. Again. Dumbass.

I haven't gone to look for the gym yet. I should. I need to work out all these negative feelings. But chocolate is always a great substitute.

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