Hmmm, where was I at?
Ah. Doctor's appt. Nope, not preggers, but apparently not sick either. Guess I'll have to inform my body of that later.
Work is the same. Switching stores, which isn't a bad thing, but I feel bad about leaving the people I've been working with for the last year. Hopefully I can bring some with me. We'll see. My stress level is increasing though. I wish I had someone or multiple someone's in town to just relax with. I'm still trying to figure out how to meet people.
I'm moving soon as well. Not really going far, but I still have to pack. I'm trying to find motivation from the cat, but as you can see he isn't really helping. In fact, as I sit here writing this, he is giving me some pretty nasty looks. He would like his chair back. I can tell by the way he jumps up behind me and trys to muscle me out. He'll get over it. The worst part is that when I make margaritas, I make sure I watch the glass at all times as I've found him facedown in my cup.
I did alright at the bar the other night. Saw my favorite blues band, The Predators, playing and had a really good time all by myself. In public even. They are playing tomorrow night as well, but I so need to get off my duff and pack some boxes, I'm talking myself into not going. Besides, going to the bar by yourself on a Thursday is one thing, going on a Saturday night is a whole other proposal.
In other boring news, I've decided against finding a new bed partner. All the potentials I've talked to recently came from the same neighborhood, around the corner from Idiot Dr. and Chucklehead Ct. Is sex a necessary part of every conversation that I have with a man, or is it too much to ask that their brain not reside in their shorts? I'm now afraid for the state of the nation when these men actually believe the scenarios they saw in their favorite porn flick might actually become reality. And no, I'm not turned on in the least little bit when you ask about my long legs. Yes, they do go all the way up, as evidenced by my thighs and hips, but then what else would you expect? Did you study anatomy in school or did you sleep that month? Thanks for inquiring about their welfare, but as I'm ok, so are they. By the way, they find your conversations boring and mildly insulting as well.
Ah well. I've blathered on long enough. I have more procrastinating to do.
1 comment:
First of all, whoever this moron is that posts spam as a comment needs to be taken out and shot in the head with a super soaker until he/she/it drowns.
I understand the plight of women trying to meet men in (of all places) bars, or anywhere for that matter.
Consider this, men own rejection. It is a part of our heritage. We have to get over that initial fear of being turned down, only to realize it in the first few moments of "Can I buy you a drink?" While I have not sunk to the level of being completely obnoxious within any part of my conversation with females, I suppose I can relate to some men thinking that they have nothing to lose by initiating tactless conversation from the start.
Again, it's not my practice, but obviously, nothing works in the long run anyway.
As I have stated before, thank gawd I have my cat!
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