
Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Still looking for the signposts

Do you ever have those 'aha' moments in life? Where you may be standing in a crowded room talking to absolutely no one and then suddenly dots in your head connect and one small portion of your life becomes crystal clear? I hate those fucking moments! You always end up looking remarkably stupid later on, something you've been trying to figure out for days, weeks, months or even years comes up and proudly announces itself as well as its intentions; and all of it relatively easy to figure out.
Of course Bruno isn't interested in me. He collects women like they are action figures. Why I don't know, but how could I have missed that? Now I've got to find another fuck buddy. Dammit I hate doing those interviews.
In other non-related news. I completely failed to find new friends tonight. I met up with a group of people who are also relatively new to Louisville, but didn't really connect with any of them. Going to have to continue to try. Think I'm going to try another event on Thursday, but will have to wait and see if I'm feeling up to it.
I haven't been feeling really well the last few weeks. People keep asking if I'm pregnant, but there is no real possibility on that. If I am, I've already screwed the kid up because I've been drinking fairly heavily the last few weeks. The doc should get back with me tomorrow to let me know what the hell is going on. Wish me luck.

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