I've been trying to clean up the house a little since I've been back. Actually, yesterday was an interesting day. To dodge the necessary cleaning, I ran to work to drop off a t-shirt I got for one of my assistants on the way out. He is switching stores (at my request) and is a little irritated with me about it. Oh well. Either way, I stopped at the local liquor store after to pick up Kilkenny, which they didn't have! Of all the rude things... so I picked up a six of Smithwicks and a six of Stella.
After I left there I was driving down the street minding my own when I saw a woman giving tarot readings. I pulled in and she threw my cards. Is it a good sign when you are sitting across from a professional and she is surprised by what I've pulled out? Every time a card was revealed, she just looked shocked or said, "Well." There was a slight pause as she tried to figure out what the hell was going on and then would launch into the definition. All in all, I had a pretty positive reading which was either her putting a positive spin on a totally disastrous pile of cards or I looked like someone who hasn't had a good day in months and wouldn't know what a good time in bed was if someone gave an active demonstration.
I started out with a strong woman card, which she was okay with, followed by a nine of swords which seems to mean that I'm almost over whatever it is that is holding me back. "Just get out there," she says. "Everyone has had a broken heart." She follows that up with a three of cups card, saying there will be some sort of celebration in my future, or a love triangle. Oooookay. We then move to the seasons. A strong woman (High Priestess) will give me an important project (One of Swords). I will work hard on it all summer (Nine of Pentacles). Finish the project in the fall, and face judgement for it during the winter (Judgement Card). She said I should just do what I know is right morally and ethically and I will do all right during the judgement. I will finish the project successfully (Ten of Pentacles) and receive a raise in status. She ended up with this card that had a sun on it. Just get out there and do it she says. Do things differently. The universe is trying to give me love, but I have to get out to find it.
Which really irritates me because that is all Stais said to me during the vacation. "You have to open minded to what is out there," she said over and over. I kept telling her my mind doesn't open that far, but apparently I'm wrong. Of course, my horoscope has also been telling me over and over that if I hear something repeated to me, take it for what it is. Listen even if I don't believe it and make it my own. Which also irritates me. I ended up, the last night I was in Ireland, hooking up a little with a driver from another tour. Durmot is funny as hell. But also he told me that I am beautiful. Of course, originally it was that I had a great sense of humour and a bubbly personality. And yes, I have a hell of a sense of humor and since the bubbly he was talking about in my personality is my chest, then I have to agree with him there as well. I am rather well endowed. Since he had said that at first, I gave him all sorts of grief, as no woman I've ever met wants to be known has having a great personality even if she does.
Later, however, as he was trying to convince me to remove my pants, he kept telling me how beautiful I was. I was, at that moment, a "sexy bitch". Hearing that from someone who is trying to convince to have a one night stand is one thing. It turns out, though, that one of the guys in the group also thought that I was pretty. He had a girl back home which is why he didn't say anything or do anything, but he made sure to tell Stais, "I know she doesn't think she's pretty and that she's too big, but tell her it isn't true."
So now I'm adopting that thought. In keeping with the "Get out and Live" thought process, on my way home from getting my fortune told, I decided to stop in a pub and have lunch with complete strangers. A totally open mind. Especially since I hate hanging out by myself to do anything. But there I was. In a pub. With complete rednecks all around me. Missing large sections of their teeth.
Well, I tried. Now I'm going to have to try another day. I'm not sure what the hell is taking so long for my destiny to kick into gear, but I'll keep trying, dammit!

By the way, this is the group that I hung out with all of last week. The only one missing is Danny who was too tired to come play with us that day. I did learn something from Danny, though. Every morning that I get up from now on, I'm going to tell myself that I am a pretty motherfucker! That positive reinforcement has got to start working sometime!
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