
Thursday, June 10, 2004


Beginnings can be such a pain in the ass, so I've decided to forgo the standards and run with a stream of consciousness. If necessary, I'm sure I can always go back and add a beginning.
I've decided that work has been created to keep most people out of trouble. Almost everyone has a job to go to, even though some may not consider what they do on a daily basis a job. Today was my day off and still I had to drag myself out of bed, shower, throw some clothes on, shellack some make up to my face and wander into the building (which I lovingly refer to as "The Fourth Pit of Hell on the Left") for a conference call where a bunch of other people, who also had better things to do, made approving noises towards each other and we didn't get a damn thing done. I wasted a couple of hours, but what I'm really upset about was that I really didn't have anything better to do today. There really isn't much sadder than realizing that your life is mostly boring and even your fantasy life could use some punching up.
Is it wrong that I keep waiting for the fates to step in and say, "Gosh and golly gee, we didn't mean to condemn you to a life of stupid people and bureaucracy. You had this really cool life, but we gave it to this woman over here because she tipped more at the door. You got stuck with the generic plot line we usually use for people who can't handle any excitement. We really expected that you would make more of it, but you just kept disappointing us." Where is my really cool event that amazes my friends? Where is that soul mate that knows everything about me and talks to me anyway? Where is that incredible one night stand that makes me believe that my superpowers are being used for good? Hell, where is that mediocre one night stand that makes me believe most men can last longer than a half hour?

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