
Sunday, August 04, 2013

Jumping the shark

Wow, I guess 5 years is a long time to lay off a blog, but I need to clear my head from all the extra in there.
A few updates... I'm currently in Indianapolis with a temporary promotion. I flew up here last week from Dallas, where I had moved last year. No friends in Dallas, absolutely no relationships in forever.  I've gained and lost and regained the weight of a small 4th grader more times than I can count. My skin seems to think I'm going through puberty, no matter how many times I let it know that I'm not.
So a quick brag about today. I've was on the treadmill and walked 1.83 miles today. I usually don't walk that far. I'm so impressed with myself. My legs are killing me, but darnit, I'm proud of myself.
so, anyway, I'm in Indy, for a temporary promotion. It's a great opportunity for me to really prove myself. Now, all I have to do, is do well.

Ok, more updateage... I work for a different company now. I work for an arts and crafts company. It's been a good transition. I've had several good bosses, and have learned a lot. I have to admit that I feel like I'm flying by the seat of my pants. I'm trying to make sure that I'm doing well, but I'm doing it differently from the person I was 5 years ago.
I feel old. I'm not sure why. I stopped in Louisville yesterday to see old friends, but after a few hours I was ready to go. I'm not sure why I feel like a different person, but I feel older. I feel that what was acceptable for me a year ago, isn't the same thing today. I know I disappointed my friends, but I was more than ready to go back to the hotel. It was a 2 hour drive, but I wanted to get going. I feel like an ass for leaving, but ... I'm not sure how to explain it. I think I'm going through a transition. I'm changing, becoming more mature I think. What a scary thing to do.

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