
Sunday, October 13, 2013

Boarding The Bus to Monotony

I'm back in Indy. Spent the weekend in St Lou with the family. Spent lots of time with my niece. Finally, I got to be the fun Aunt. I spun her around and hung her upside down, and generally made her extremely dizzy. She loved every minute of it. My back hurts.

Left late to come back tho. Was supposed to be back early enough to work and totally did not do that at all. I'm a bad bad boss.  I'll start up again tomorrow. After I get my phone. I cannot wait until I get my phone.  I completely detest the Windows Phone I was given. Granted it was a loaner so it was already a piece of crap, but ugh. That experience has taught me to never venture a toe off the Apple tree. Until Apple ticks me off again. Which it might do with this refurb phone. Who knows.

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