
Friday, October 25, 2013

Couch Living

My Dr insisted I get a mammogram today. Apparently anytime you visit the dr in October you must wear the pink and get your boobs checked out. More guaranteed action than a date, but I haven't gotten the bill yet to see if it was worth it.
Also, received the requiste flu shot, bloodwork, urinated into a cup (which is not easy for a girl to do), and then had my girls squeezed.
Got a bootie text last night. Which was ironic, being that he is in another state, engaged and was apparently enjoying some male friend on male friend action. When did I turn in to the den mother? Why send me the pics of our friend going down on you? Why tell me I've always been the one you've loved?  That I'll be the one you regret losing? You don't keep me in the loop of your life, you don't tell me even when the fucking wedding is, but you feel the need to tell me you'll always love me?  WTF?

I'm only back home for a couple more days. Then back to Indy where I have to get back on the treadmill and bike. I have to get into a habit of losing weight. I have to try and start enjoying it. No, I don't know how I'm going to do that either, but I need to try. Still don't know what's going to happen in a couple of weeks. I may stay, I may go back to my old job. Just have to play it by ear and call on all the patience I don't own to be nice. If I come home, at least I'll be around familiar like surroundings. But I'll still be in Texas. Which sucks.

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