
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Girl On a String

It's been an interesting week. Lots of stuff going on. Not sure what to make of it.
First, I get a weird text from an old friend, essentially a bootie text, from 2 states away.  Then, I talk to Shawshank about the oddness of the text and he tells me, well, it is a way for a guy to keep a girl on a string, even though he may not be doing anything about it.
And then, because I'm a dumb shit and it took me 3 days to pick up on it, I realize that Shawshank himself is keeping me on a fucking string. I don't have just one guy that does it to me, I have two. Of course, Shawshank tells me a couple days later that he wants to set me up with someone he knows. Who lives well over 500 miles away, but hey, you need the attention. People make me tired. These people are supposed to be my friends.
Is this proof that the guys aren't really my friend? Am I stupid cause I didn't see it happening? Should I make it stop? Does that mean that I take everything they say with a grain of salt?

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I'll be back in Texas in 6 days. The countdown has begun. I'll hit Louisville this weekend, but then, it is back to Texas, back to my old job. Le sigh.

Patience is not my strong suit.

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