
Friday, September 13, 2013

Anticipating Happiness

I haven't had a bad day at all, and I kind of expected I would. Last night went out to Decatur and saw my cousin, while I was out working in Springfield. We had awesome pizza (a thin crust with mashed black and refried beans as the sauce, fresh garlic on that, lettuce, chicken, etc.), and I let her know I was interested in women too. I'm only 40. At some point I have to actually date a woman to be called bisexual, but I'm thinking the intent helps. Now if I could just find the balls (I know, I know) to ask one out.
But, first, I have to keep working on losing weight. I have to keep working on being happy with me. It's hard. Sometimes I want to kick my own ass. Sometimes I feel like I'm not doing enough to be better at my job and goodness knows I could exercise more. But I will eventually be the person I'm supposed to be. It's only taken me 40 years to figure out how that I should do that. It won't happen by magic. No matter how much I keep wishing for a magic pill.
Had a great compliment from one of my employees today. She asked where I was going and I told her I had no idea. She said she thought I was really good at the job I was doing and she enjoyed having me work out there. She asked her department manager what she thought, and the manager asked if they could keep me.

But I still have no idea where I'm going to be working in 2 weeks.

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