
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

This Has Only Been A Test

So, because I'm curious, I'm not going to share this with Google+. Then I can see if people are viewing it, or if it is just cause Google wants me to feel important.

I'm not having a stellar day. I've creased the bumper of the rental. I start the big visit tomorrow. 3 days in the car with the head of HR. I'm just not that good a girl not to run my mouth. My sinuses are draining into my ear and my throat. I walked into 3 stores this morning, but didn't want to. I need to find another way to want to spend time in the stores I don't want to go into. It's really difficult to want to spend time in the stores where you want to knock people's heads together. Which, you can't do because that is illegal.

Of course, now I have to call LP tomorrow about the damn rental. It was my own fault. I misjudged the pole, and backed into it. Now there is this little crease. Fudge!!

I'm still exercising, but I'm just not getting into it as much as I'd like. I'd like to think that I would just be so excited to be doing it, but I'm really not. The only positive thing is that my pants are looser, but when I get on the flippin scale, it still says that same weight.

I did pick up a new to me artist. The Derek Trucks Band. I'm enjoying the music. I hope the head of HR likes Blues. Cause if he doesn't it will be a long 3 days.

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