
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Gathering My Courage

Sitting here in the hotel watching Moneyball and it seems to be resonating with me. I can completely understand trying to change a whole group's thought on how they are doing their business. I have been working on doing the same thing out here with these people. Sometimes it works. There are some people in the area who are taking what I've given them and run with it. There are others where I just want to smack them. 
I have to go back to a store tomorrow, after I stopped by today and just got so ticked off I couldn't walk with the dept. mgr. So I went to the next store, wasted my time by even stopping. 
Didn't exercise today. I feel kind of bad. I know I should give myself some time to not exercise, but I had a huge dinner and I have been so hungry. I've been trying to watch what I eat, but I had a big dinner. I was just happy I didn't have the appetizer before dinner. 
I think I should start yoga, but I also don't feel coordinated enough either. 
Spoke with Shawshank today. Spoke being a loose term. More messenger'd him. He started, but I feel a little out of sorts. It's that either I don't understand him, or he doesn't understand me. Some days I just don't think I'm getting the real guy. And, quite honestly, if he doesn't have the time or inclination to be real with me, why am I wasting my time with him. Maybe it is just that my oldest friend isn't matching up with the guy I have built up in my head. That isn't his fault. That's mine. So, I'll let him be for a while. 

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